Cllr Eddie Reeves launches 'Fix the Sink Hole Potholes' Petition Monday, 13 January, 2025 Cllr Eddie Reeves launches 'Fix the Sink Hole Potholes' Petition Having received several complaints from local residents, Leader of the Opposition on Oxfordshire County Council and first-time candidate for Cropredy & Hook Norton, Cllr Eddie Reeves, has launched a petition calling on the Council to make good on the damage done by HGV and other vehicles following the excess traffic on rural roads... Local News
Banbury Conservatives welcome shift in plans for the Horton 23rd March 2018 Banbury Conservatives have welcomed a major shift in plans for the Horton General Hospital. Published yesterday, the Oxfordshire Transformation update (Paper 18... Local News
Watch: Victoria Prentis MP asks for help in dealing with the impact local construction in PMQs 21st March 2018 Victoria Prentis MP asks the Prime Minister to help with "inevitable growing pains" as the North Oxfordshire constituency grows. Local News
Council first in the UK to explore mortgage solution for self-build homes 12th March 2018 Conservative-controlled Cherwell District Council is thought to be the first local authority in the UK to explore the piloting of an innovative new approach to... Local News
Horton Hospital gets IRP reprieve 7th March 2018 Banbury residents are to get another say in the future of the Horton Hospital thanks to a report published by the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) today... Local News
Cherwell District Council freezes Council Tax for the 9th successive year 27th February 2018 Cherwell residents will pay not a penny extra for District Council services over the next year after the Council announced its 9th consecutive tax freeze. This... Local News
PERCH opens its doors to Bicester's entrepreneurs 22nd February 2018 Bicester Conservatives were delighted to join local entrepreneurs and homeworkers at the official launch of PERCH this afternoon. Located in the heart of... Local News
Councillor calls for a Banbury Changing Places facility 8th February 2018 An adult disabled toilet could be installed in Banbury thanks to an intervention from Conservative Councillor Tony Ilott. At a recent meeting of Cherwell... Local News
Celebrating Vote 100 6th February 2018 Today we mark 100 years since the first women gained the vote in Britain. As we remember and commemorate the brave and principled women who fought for the... Westminster News
£1 million extra to tackle Oxfordshire's potholes 5th February 2018 Great news today that the Government has given Oxfordshire County Council an extra £1 million to help tackle the County’s potholes. We know residents are... Local News
The first 100 days of a Conservative majority government and the choice before the British people 4th December 2019 Our Conservative plan for getting Brexit done so that we can unleash Britain's potential is in stark contrast to the gridlock, dither, delay and uncertainty of... National News
Exposed: Labour plot with RMT behind rail strike chaos 3rd December 2019 Rail union leaders and the Labour Party have boasted that they are "working together" to "bring down" the government at this month's election through a campaign... National News
Brexit is a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen our border security 1st December 2019 Brexit provides a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen the security of the UK border. National News
Boris Johnson sets out the details of the Khan case 1st December 2019 The terrible Khan case has highlighted a complicated area of law. There have been many inaccuracies reported about this case over the last 24 hours. Here are... National News
John McDonnell admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour 30th November 2019 John McDonnell's admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour. National News
Debunked: Labour’s NHS Privatisation Claims 30th November 2019 Labour keep telling scare stories about our plans for the NHS. Now, it is time to set the record straight. National News