We are extremely disappointed about the decision to close the London Road level crossing to road traffic in the future. The overwhelming view of the people of Bicester and local Conservative Councillors is that maintaining a crossing for vehicles at or very near the existing London Road crossing is essential to keeping our Town open, connected and thriving. The impact on residents who use London Road both to travel to work and get into Town, as well as those off of the Launton Road facing a future of increased traffic is considerable.
We are also disappointed that since the General Election, Bicester's new MP Councillor Calum Miller MP disbanded the cross-party and cross-community working group to help Bicester speak with one united voice at the table with East West Rail.
Given he was elected on a promise to fight for the future of the London Road Crossing, he has failed the people of our Town at the very first hurdle. This is all the more alarming given his council colleague, Liberal Democrat Leader of Oxfordshire County Council Councillor Liz Leffman Chairs the regional body responsible for East West Rail. The Liberal Democrat and Green Alliance running the council even ceased funding of a dedicated officer to work on engineering solutions for a viable future London Road Crossing.
The needs of the people of Bicester have been systematically ignored by Oxfordshire County Council and this new Government - it is unacceptable that our town should be cut in two! We will keep fighting for a fair future for the people of our town!
Yours sincerely
Sam Holland, Nick Mawer, Donna Ford and Michael Waine - Your local Conservative Councillors