Oxfordshire County Council is one of the few authorities in the country rated ‘Good’ for both children’s and adult social care services. In the latter category, a total of 5% of all providers (care homes, homecare agencies, supported living providers etc.) in Oxfordshire are rated ‘Outstanding’ compared to 3% nationally, and 89% are classed as either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ compared to 83% nationally.
On the impressive stats, Councillor Lawrie Stratford, Bicester North County Councillor and Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said: “The trend is unmistakable. Oxfordshire is well ahead of the national average. Our congratulations to the organisations recently rated 'Outstanding'. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) does not make this award lightly.
As a Council, our over-arching aim is to enable older people to live independently and care for those in greatest need. While the County Council does not run care homes directly, it does have a safeguarding role to help care homes reach their potential. These new statistics show that the county is being well served compared to other areas. We look forward to seeing further improvements.”
One such care home recently awarded ‘Outstanding’ status was Godswell Park in Bloxham.