Conservative-controlled Cherwell District Council has secured funding to replace the Hill Youth and Community Centre on Bretch Hill. The Hill, which has been closed in large parts due to roof damage, is set to be completely rebuilt after £840,000 of funding was sourced to deliver the project as part of the District Council’s Brighter Futures in Banbury initiative.
Councillor Kieron Mallon, Cherwell District Council’s lead member for Banbury Brighter futures, said “The Hill is an important and popular resource, but the current condition of the building is restricting how it can be used. By sourcing these funds, the Council is not just investing in a new centre, but also in the surrounding community and the residents of Banbury.
We want The Hill to become a focal point of the community with uses that spans all ages and interests. By offering the building’s use as both a community centre and a sports facility we can create new opportunities for local residents. We are proud to deliver a project that will make such a positive difference both to the area and to those who will use the facilities in the future.”
The cost of the development is largely being met by local Conservative Councils. Cherwell District Council will pay £400,000 while Banbury Town Council have contributed £10,000 towards the project. A further £10,000 has been donated by Banbury Charities, together with £350,000 of National Lottery funding from Sport England. The remaining £70,000 will come from Section 106 contributions which are monies paid by developers of local housing projects to fund amenities in the community.
Sanctuary Housing has also offered its support to the scheme by donating land which will be used to provide outside facilities and parking. Banbury Community Church, which currently leases the building and manages the facility, will continue to do so following the rebuild and will provide an interim programme of activities during the construction phase.
Work is set to begin on the site next Spring.