For the 7th consecutive year, Conservative-controlled Banbury Town Council has frozen its proportion of the Council Tax. Its share of residents’ total tax bill will remain at £122.12 per annum for band D properties – a figure first set in 2010.
Speaking after Tuesday’s Town Council meeting when the announcement was made, Leader of the Council Councillor Kieron Mallon said: “Banbury Conservatives are proving yet again that they can be trusted with taxpayers’ money. Our Council Tax share has not risen for 7 years thanks to good financial housekeeping. And we have done this with no detriment to local services.”
Echoing Councillor Mallon, Banbury Town Council Deputy Leader Councillor Tony Ilott said: “This freeze will not impact the delivery of Town Council services. We will continue to run our increasingly popular ‘free’ days like Canal Day and Armed Forces Day which really showcase the best that Banbury has to offer. We have also renewed our commitment to spending £8500 each year on crime prevention throughout the town and will continue to support the town’s charter market.
And not just satisfied with the status quo, we are investing in our town; we have several projects in the pipeline including the refurbishment of Easington Recreation Ground, the renovation of the footpaths in People’s Park, as well as £10,000 set aside for new and improved bus shelters on Hanwell Fields.”